Surprisingly, non-white-male entrepreneurs report mental health benefits, with women from every group reporting higher such benefits than men. More than a third of women entrepreneurs reported ...
A graduate from the IIT Delhi, Pankaj Vermani (CEO & Co-Founder) of Clovia is a serial entrepreneur and has co-founded and grown two companies in the past, which went through a successful acquisition.
Purdeep Sangha has achieved international acclaim as a business strategist, consultant and personal advisor for high-performing male entrepreneurs and executives. He is also an award-winning ...
In fact, female entrepreneurs are among those most successful, often outperforming their male counterparts, despite the fact that they are still often overlooked in the world of business. The Global ...
which even a room full of highly experienced male VCs can’t.” An early stage entrepreneur has to battle a number of doubts, on a daily basis. Ranging from the basic, “Am I targeting the ...
Female entrepreneurs, globally, receive less funding than their male counterparts. Why? What's behind this discrepancy? Find out what action can be taken to close the gap between investors and female ...
Bahamian female entrepreneurs generate a greater return on investment than their male counterparts despite accessing on average 42 percent less funding, it has been revealed. The Inter-American ...