While Carter was celebrated for his part in the negotiations, Sadat was lambasted by his own countrymen. Carter said he ...
Over decades, thousands of young British girls were systematically raped and, in some cases, murdered by immigrant gangs.
The funeral Thursday of former President Jimmy Carter brings back powerful memories of what I believe was his greatest ...
Rafshoon had asked me to write a play about the 1978 Camp David summit between Carter, President Anwar Sadat, of Egypt ... was charged with complicity in an assassination of a pro-British minister ...
In Africa, Maryse Quashie, a regular columnist for La Croix International, believes figures such as Jimmy Carter, Nelson ...
Carter said it began in 1981, when the two were sent by Reagan to represent the U.S. at the funeral of Anwar Sadat, the assassinated Egyptian leader. They were both Navy men, had three sons, a strong ...
E ven before the ceasefire in Gaza Donald Trump had begun to reshape the Middle East. He was influential in pushing Israel to ...
By Vivek Shankar It was a watershed moment in Middle East history that raised the prospect of a truce between two nations that had been at war for decades: In November 1977, President Anwar Sadat ...
Ad Policy Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, United states President Jimmy ... Sadat lost his life three years after Camp David, assassinated by Islamist army officers enraged by his abandonment ...
Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin chats informally with Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and U.S ... the Nobel Peace Prize later in 1981; Sadat was assassinated two years later.