Charleston's Atlantic Coast Life is challenging an order from the SC Department of Insurance that would halt sales of new ...
George Shelby Rice, on bond for leaving a crash that injured two pedestrians five months ago, is charged with murder and leaving the scene of an accident.
Ten years ago when Katy and Peter Hawes relocated from the South and bought a derelict weavers mill deep in a forest in ...
A California law passed in 1988 and its regulations play a significant role in why insurance companies are fleeing the state, experts say.
The wealthy Republican businessman is suspected of killing up to 25 young men and boys before he died by suicide after police ...
An appeal has been launched to overturn a decision stop an empty police station in Wakefield being turned into a vape shop.
Old National Bank, headquartered in Evansville, sued the former mayor of Baltimore Wednesday, alleging she failed to repay $2 ...
The program, led by the city's Planning Department, provided a $17,500 grant for the sign, about roughly half of the cost, ...
Crescendo Development, a two-person land management outfit headed by Fort Worth real estate broker and ex-zoning commissioner ...
The Corporation for Findlay Market is housed in a building at 19 Elder St.
The closure is the latest drama on a stretch of East Market Street that’s been the focus of a recent and fierce civic debate ...
The idea of joint taxation for married couples is not a new one and is already implemented in several developed countries, ...