Sumaya M Al-Bedaiwi, [email protected], Office hours: Mon 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM, Wed 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM in the GDC Basement.
Multiagent Traffic Management: A Reservation-Based Intersection Control Mechanism. Kurt Dresner and Peter Stone. In The Third International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems ...
Design and Optimization of an Omnidirectional Humanoid Walk:A Winning Approach at the RoboCup 2011 3D Simulation Competition. Patrick MacAlpine, Samuel Barrett, Daniel Urieli, Victor Vu, and Peter ...
Though computers have surpassed humans at many tasks, especially computationally intensive ones, there are many tasks for which human expertise remains necessary and/or useful. For such tasks, it is ...
1) How (and How Not) to Write a Good Systems Paper (Levin and Redell, SIGOPS OSR, 1983) ...
Artificial Intelligence and Life in 2030. Peter Stone, Rodney Brooks, Erik Brynjolfsson, Ryan Calo, Oren Etzioni, Greg Hager, Julia Hirschberg, Shivaram ...
Programming Contests at UT is a chapter of the ICPC: International Collegiate Programming Contest. The International Collegiate Programming Contest is an algorithmic programming contest for college ...
Patrick MacAlpine and Peter Stone.
Please refer to the course's github repository for ROS installation instructions:
The right music at the right time: adaptive personalized playlists based on sequence modeling. Elad Liebman, Maytal Saar-Tsechansky, and Peter Stone Peter Stone. Management Information Systems ...
Prerequisite: Computer Science 311 or 311H with a grade of at least C-; and registration or credit in Computer Science 314 or 314H with a grade of at least C-. Computer Science 104 and 109 (Topic: ...
In reinforcement learning (RL), a reward function that aligns exactly with a task's true performance metric is often sparse. For example, a true task metric might encode a reward of 1 upon success and ...